
This is about the time I started inventing this autobiography. If I was to write it earlier, I'd probably start from my childhood, and would never reach XXI century, reworking the earlier chapters to include things which turned out to be important later.

Instead, I pulled up the zod, which I wrote for Gary. It was intended for writing up a series of books (with shared articles) on astrology. Instead of chapter names, I'd just use dates, and start entering daily entries at random, as I remember events from my past. And then one thing will bring up another. And so it did - I remembered that since about mid-nineties I have a lot of old files on my disk, messages on sezam, dated comments in code, emails, photographs (digital since 2000), and that I could pretty much rebuild my life from that. Not going with any main plot, there isn't any, or there are too many of them, but rather going at random and filling stuff in as I remember it. If some date is wrong, or I mix up the order of things, personae dramatis present at the scene - who cares. I'll have to lie about a few things anyway, will have to obfuscate names, even my own identity (though that one would be a hard sell indeed)... and then find a way to put it on the web, in some wiki-like or blog-like format, but with good navigation on date of event, date of entry, and random, heavily crosslinked by places, persons and days where they appear. So any visitor should be able to zigzag through it at will. Fun thing to do when I retire.

I guessed the date by the oldest generated html file I found on disk.

On UA, one more dispute with some minor bible thumper, not the heavy category:

If you are waiting for someone else to "prove" God's existence to you before you choose to believe, you will have a long wait.

I know. The whole concept is outside of logic, and actually is mutually exclusive with it. The belief is required because logic doesn't apply. One who applies logic, seeks proof. With proof, there's no need to believe. And yes, believing is a matter of choice.

BTW, at what age is one supposed to make that choice?

One need not go his/her whole life clinging to a "faith" with no proof of the reality in which he/she believes. What a desolate life that would be. God promises proof to the believer. This proof comes by way of subjective personal experience. I'm sorry but that is the way it is- by design. It is subjective.

It's an assurance, then, not proof in usual terms. One of the minimal requirements for a proof is that it's reproducible by anyone. But then one can believe they received a proof - which is a contradiction, if it's a proof it should be a proof regardless of one's belief. But like I said, I don't expect any logic to apply.

But the reward of proof is given to the persistent.

Again, we seem to differ in the meaning of the word "proof". If it's so personal, and irreproducible, then it's not proof - and of course, I didn't expect it to be. From where I stand, there can't be one, neither positive or negative. IOW, in the discourse over the existence of deities their definition was honed over the last couple of millennia to the point where the existence of one is exactly undecidable. It is impossible to prove or disprove. Logic being impartial as it is, the believers simply have to believe, as there can be no proof, and the unbelievers can choose.

The proof you mention is just one more detail believed by those who already believe.

Ah, the (in)famous fight between Maša on one and Trish and Peter on the opposing side is just going on. She's passed me this quote from Peter:

Hello "Shalom Rabinovich"

What is the matter with you? Do you really think that people are so stupid that you can get away with this?

You insult Fred and you insult your own (and my) religion by your behavior. GROW UP!

The fight became ugly really fast, and I don't quite remember how it began.

The next day dad reported that Ivka had died. He also organized that the gate to our house be painted.

On 1st, Žarko took off to New York too. Around that time Go passed the driver's exam and got the license. Ricardo I taught how to stick-shift and maneuver on an empty parking [lot] and that was it. He didn't suck at it, but obviously wasn't too interested, and never asked about the next lesson, so that one time was it. So my work here is done and I can go home, to see what she did with that kitchen counter, some tiles were mentioned, got to see that. Parked a flight in a couple of days ahead.

Mentions: Gary Brandywine, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Ivanka Tomašić /Čardić/ (Ivka), Maša Bezuhovski, Peter Branow, Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), sezam, Tricia Deakin (Trish), UbiquAgora (UA), zod, Žarko Zarin, in serbian