
The day when Jan went all uppercase again, which didn't happen in quite a while.

Please fix this and check with gofish whether you forgot one or two. This has taken long enough


Now this is urgent all of a sudden. I was trying to get him to discuss this for two weeks. He said we shouln’t be hiding errors. I found that the save method in bizobjects is silently logging (not really, the logging doesn’t create a record for some reason) a bunch of records when a readonly cursor tries to save, because it tries to preserve its PK to return to it and it doesn’t have one. I moved a few lines of code so all of the save methods are NOT executed for readonly cursors. That I showed him – we had a GTM session where we discussed the thing. Now today, he says

would you please not make any change in framework classes without consulting me? I spend 2 hours in hunting down a bug because you changed the ExecuteCascade method in bizbase.

So he forgot and I’m to blame, eh?

(... 24 words...) The black currant liqueur is sitting in the window, dissolving the honey and the taste. The alcohol meter shows almost negative, because the liquid is thick with honey. But it should be around 30, as is proper for that kind of drink.

Nina sent a few selfies, full figure and, well, more than full. Her belly has progressed a lot.

The next day I mostly sawed the wallnut branch into choppable pieces, and carried them into the basement for the winter, just not to have it lying around the yard and rotting.

Mentions: Jan Brenkelen, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian