
Created case MH-49, about date format in ClockWorker. A week before that, I created cases MH-45 (on horizontal space in ClockWorker) and MH-46 (allows edits but doesn’t save them).

These were never resolved.

Te trouble with the date format is that it always defaults to american, and we got just Nina in the US - everybody else is using either british format (i.e. canadian and indian teams plus Suez) or german format (both european units). And yet the time format can't be changed. Our clients would shave us dry if they had to use wrong format - whenever they saw wrong setting (and there are still a few reports in Feds where this may happen), they yell very loudly. Yet we have to suffer this.

Not a nice thing to say, but Nina's finances are rapidly improving since she became a widow. Here's a screenshot of her account. The last dip is the rapid last few remaining payments to get rid of the mortgage. Would have been even faster if she wasn't paying off his student loan first, on the rapid track, it being more expensive in terms of interest - and now that he died it was just written off. Well, so it goes. He was a net drain, financially. He even once spent some 120$ put aside to buy games for the kids (i.e. for christmas), on games for himself. Even that student loan he didn't tell her until a couple of years ago, it was his dirty little secret that he wasn't paying it off, at least not regularly. But she caught him eventually and he confessed, and they made a plan how to clean it up. Didn't work as fast as planned, but the end was in sight.

On 6th, ran the van to the service, getting new tires. Not that expensive, and I just had enough of the old ones losing air through the pores in the rusty wheel. The guys did a good job smoothing them out on the car, so I thought they would do likewise. But no, they didn't offer that, so I first drove around trying to buy new wheels. There was some shop in a backstreet there, but the guy wasn't answering the bell, and there was a nasty dog barking like insane. Tried knocking the windows, no reply. Well, really forthcoming, good luck with your business. Tried a junkyard, and the guy there said "a frenchie... tough luck, nothing fits there, they have their own layout of the holes, and we don't have any such". So OK, new tires on old wheels.

One of the wheels leaked within a few weeks, so I brought it back. The old guy there tried to find the leak and eventually gave up, just smeared the rims heavily with the black goo (i.e. ground rubber dissolved in gasoline) and it held. Next year I had that repeated, gradually on other wheels. And still, rear right leaked once, despite that.

Mentions: ClockWorker, Feds, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Suez Lima, in serbian