
(App, India)

Even though the app may originate in the US or Canada, all the names of staff I found are from India. I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually turned out that at least one of them is somehow related to Briyesh.

The app is supposed to allow workers (now politically corrected into employees, though at Firriver we were actually contractors without a contract) to enter the hours worked, per customer per project per day. It was entirely web based (i.e. no installation). And pretty much everything about it was wrong:

- it wouldn't allow two entries for the same customer on the same day. This could happen quite easily in rl, as they could have two unrelated problems during the same day. Or the fix for the first problem would uncover the next problem a few hours later.

- it wouldn't allow editing a saved record. Actually it would, but upon save the edits were lost

- it wouldn't work on any resolution lower than 1920 width; it functioned somehow but with lots of automatic scrolling, as it would keep the field with focus visible, but horizontal scrollbar never worked

- it wouldn't grow the comment field with the length of the text entered. After about 100 bytes of text, one would have to use the tiny scrollbar to read it whole.

- the columns weren't resizable, so the customer name, project, project type were all wider than the comments, and this couldn't be changed

- despite all the secrecy about our financial stuff (which was a major reason to have an app instead of emailing excel sheets), the app keeps calling Gugao tag services and google syndication, eavesdroppers if I ever saw any. Secrecy my ass.

- the client combo had only the abbr codes, not actual clinic names. These were four characters, plus two for country. With the field of operation being so narrow, out of 50-100 clinics there were several couples with identical or near identical names. But no, no full names. The 200+px width of the column stayed unused.

- project type combo was ridiculous, the values were picked by an obvious non-programmer, or even copied from a generic template, sales oriented. We already had such a list before, why wasn't it copied?

- projects combo was even worse - for every customer there were two "projects" - don't remember the names, but it was something irrelevant. Chargeable or not? The point here is that there were real projects in the works, and some of those would involve several clinics (like FedsRx, for example). But no, in here those are not projects.

- the navigation was crazy. I actually had to bookmark the daily entry page, because navigating to it otherwise was labyrinthine. The switch from the weekly view into daily view would always show me a day from the previous week etc.

- the date is always american, which none of us use (perhaps Nina, and maybe Hana switched to it). Had we ever shown the date in a wrong format in Feds, the customers would scream (and it happened and they did and we fixed it within 24h)

The liaison guy (a Hindu, of course, speaks and writes so) has no clue, what google where google there's no googkle... aw man open any page's source. He knows nothing about that. Date format, falls on deaf ears. Column widths, he has no authority to change the template. Well what good are you to us?

Mentions: 19-I-2018., 05-II-2018., 02-V-2018., 19-IX-2018., 04-X-2018., 21-III-2019., Briyesh Dupta, Feds, FedsRx, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Gugao, Hana Burberry, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian

16-XI-2019 - 30-VI-2024