
David: To add to the Festive Atmosphere*: I’m pleased to announce an addition to the Team, Ina Cruikshank, as of January 1. Ina brings a distinguished Career as an Embryologist and Manager under (most recently) Jared Coxton (Notable QC/QA** Guru) at TTRX (we are Courting; have Jared’s Permission and Blessings to ‘poach’ -- quid pro quo we allow her to do locums w him, part time!). TTRX, btw, is perhaps the most successful (profit and pregnancy rates) cohort of clinics in the United States.

Have informally tasked Ina w ‘Customer Experience and Business Development’ – regional focus on USA (where she’ll be able to travel for training, etc. without restriction). She is familiar w Baby Sentry and EIVF (among others in the EMR space) and will get her Baptism in the Ways of Feds, via and under Suez’s Wing, soon. Alongside Jeanie (and Dr Spermatix, of course) she’ll be available as Resource for matters Embryological (PGD/PGT one of her specialties) and Beyond.

Ina is completing her PhD (distance learning, class ahead [‘20] of Jackie) at East Virginia Medical School. A resident of Long Island, NY and currently working in Manhattan at TTRX Satellite, will be re-locating to Raleigh, NC.

We’ll bring Ina to this Permanent Chat imminently.

Netherlands: 5, Canada: 6, US: 1,1, UK: 1, Serbia: 2, Ireland: 1,1 and India: 4.

The snow is thawing, already sliding down the rear terrace roof and bending where it passed its edge, and by some trick still refuses to drop off, even though it's already bent into a half-cylinder. Just like [it does] every other year when enough snow falls.

In the afternoon I grabbed the fangla and ladder to take it off the van, so we can go somewhere if need arises. This shot, though, I made before sleep, took the tripod to the upper terrace and then slowly, with several trial shots, until I hit the manual settings right. At this low light the automatics would hinder more than it would help. In the end, of course, an autopatch to put it all together. This even got its own article on suština.


*to get into the mood, pronounce every upperCased! Word! as if First! in a Sentence!

** quality control/assurance, another bit of quasiscience and managerial complication of life

Mentions: David Berton, fangla, Feds, Jeanie, Suez Lima, suština, in serbian