David Berton

(Person, Canada)

Graduated meteorology, geography or something just as unrelated to both fertology and programming, yet turned out to be a software entrepreneur. Knows everybody in the field covered by our app. Ladies find him a charmer and he seems to have one in every port ("so does Suez" - "yes but he gets laid" - as I heard around the office). The president of Firriver until about january of 2017, when Briyesh and Ralph came aboard with some money. Since then, I don't know, there were no big meetings of everybody, so there was no big gathering that he'd address in that role. My impression is that he's not having much of a say nowadays.

He never finished a sentence. The only other guy whom I met having that skill was majstor Saša, who did dad's cars from škodilak to trabant. Speaks for ten minutes and never puts a period, only slaps an ellipsis and starts a new one. And still says what he wanted to.

His other linguistic art was the Incredible skill of Picking which Words to capitalize on. Examples of this can be found, as I couldn't resist quoting him verbatim in many cases when the news of the day happened in the Firriver's communal chat. Norman is close second, by hair's breadth, as he didn't have that poetic flair and even tried to pretend there are rules about that.

Mentions: 10-II-2007., 21-II-2007., 09-III-2007., 15-VII-2007., 30-VII-2007., 31-VII-2007., 01-VIII-2007., 02-VIII-2007., 04-VIII-2007., 05-VIII-2007., 06-VIII-2007., 07-VIII-2007., 03-IX-2007., 13-X-2007., 15-X-2007., 16-X-2007., 18-X-2007., 20-X-2007., 04-XI-2007., 28-IV-2008., 20-V-2008., 14-VIII-2008., 10-IX-2008., 24-IX-2008., 30-XII-2008., 31-XII-2008., 23-II-2009., 15-IV-2009., 16-V-2009., 02-VI-2009., 24-VI-2009., 27-VI-2009., 04-VII-2009., 10-VII-2009., 16-VII-2009., 25-VII-2009., 12-XI-2009., 13-XI-2009., 06-XII-2009., 14-III-2010., 13-IV-2010., 04-VI-2010., 11-VI-2010., 30-VI-2010., 01-VII-2010., 06-VII-2010., 07-VII-2010., 08-VII-2010., 26-VII-2010., 27-VII-2010., Johan!, 10-VIII-2010., 20-IX-2010., 07-XII-2010., 15-XII-2010., 21-VII-2011., 02-IX-2011., 09-IX-2011., 02-II-2012., 08-IV-2012., 23-IV-2012., 21-VIII-2012., Bulgaria, 09-I-2013., 15-III-2013., 25-XII-2013., 25-III-2014., 19-IX-2014., 09-XI-2014., 01-V-2015., 24-XII-2015., 07-I-2016., 23-III-2016., 25-IV-2016., june 2016., 05-II-2018., 19-II-2018., 27-III-2018., 07-IV-2018., 02-V-2018., 05-VI-2018., 20-XII-2018., 18-II-2019., 25-III-2019., 22-IV-2019., 03-V-2019., The talk which never happened, 22-VII-2019., 28-VII-2019., Unofficially retired, 29-VII-2019., 02-X-2019., 15-X-2019., 04-III-2020., 04-I-2024., Briyesh Dupta, Bruce Furlane, Daniel Berton, Feds, FedsRx, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Harry McDouglas, majstor, nanovo, Norman Shen, Ralph Rotnik, Suez Lima, škodilak, trabant, translation, in serbian