
The so-called "project" (just a page in Confluence) where I should air my grievances about the new servers is still unavailable (and stayed so). Here's what Karl says about it:

"BTW, Geoff figured out why you could not access a Helpdesk case. Buried deep in JIRA there was a role that did not allow viewing (even though the project itself allowed open viewing). However, to achieve that I guess it is read only (sigh). To add comments you must reply through the email notification. The reason it is so buttoned down is to restrict accidental access by non-Firriver users - the intent of the project is for internal issues only. Thanks for helping to identify the snafu!"

It's so secure even we can't use it :)

In the evening, the meeting of the g55 board, i.e. preparations for our 45 year high school reunion. The same place as usual, the bar with the complicated toilet. I did carry the eos70 and made a few interesting shots along the way - the young moon above Naftagas, the new colored lights on the other bridge, and of course a bunch of shots of the meeting itself.

Present the usual bunch - Jozda, Žuca, brother of Vlasta (who, as I hear, is still the nutcase like before, passed the level and got upgraded to religious nutcase), Bora, Prle, one still pretty lady from the socials class (and her white hair just sits right, as if she looked better than ever), Borko.

Mentions: Borivoj Pragović (Bora), eos70, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Geoff Gearney, Jovan Zdanić (Jozda), Karl Poulain, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Prle Tanin, Vlasta Čkuljić, Živana Armatović (Žuca), in serbian