Geoff Gearney

(Person, Ireland)

Funny guy, with a heavy Irish dialect. Joined Firriver at some point in 2011 or thereabouts. Used to be the IT guy at one of the irish clinics which used Feds.

Since early 2017, in charge of new servers, which never worked right. The point here is that he was just following instructions (by Ralph) who put security first and usability third. As of november 2019, it's still not usable. He was working for Firriver perhaps a few hours a week (ditto for his assistant in SanFran) and then I heard from Kees that he's undergoing cytostatics and whatnot.

Died on february 2021.

Mentions: 12-V-2009., 27-VII-2012., 05-IX-2012., 09-I-2013., 13-VII-2013., 27-II-2014., 02-IV-2014., 12-IV-2014., 23-XI-2014., 01-V-2015., 19-I-2016., laptop batteries, 19-II-2018., 27-III-2018., 28-V-2018., 20-VIII-2018., New translation server, 22-VIII-2018., 27-VIII-2018., 07-II-2019., 01-II-2021., Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Kees de Cock, Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), Ralph Rotnik, in serbian