
me, 21:05 - Can we just make Norman the admin on the new network and get rid of the current admins? It takes weeks to get things fixed, and sometimes the fixes work just for a while and then revert. Just like now I had trouble with translaton server (same trouble as this old thing [link to my list])) because they fixed it by turning off the virus scanner, then forgot why it was turned off, then turned it back on without notification. Took me a while to understand why the launcher won't catch new version. To make things worse, when I deleted the old copies, I still couldn't copy, even manually, the new ones to their locations.

Eventually what made it work is that the shortcuts there don't point to faststartids.exe but to ids.exe directly, which is exactly what we tell clinics to never do. My estimate for this year alone is that I've spent about two workdays finding a way to get things done despite the help from the new network admins.

In Feds I had an interesting problem to solve. The renaming of options in questions where manually composed lists are the options (i.e. for single and multiselect combos). The whole question of renaming anything in the questionnaires is tricky, because the question "Do you stand up when applauding" can become "Did you stop beating your wife?", so I had to introduce a special object which would read this special permission to change question descriptions, and even then it would calculate the Levenštejn distance to the original, to check whether it was just a typo fixed or not, and if not it would issue a control question ("You are about to change "Do you have headaches in the morning?" into "Do you love oral sex?", are you sure you want to do it?"). It should have recorded an app-level event for this. Perhaps it does, I don't remember whether I did it or just thought it would be nice to.

This time it's about changing options. So if a question "how do you like your sandwiches" has options "cold/hot/large/double/small", you may be able to change these into "concrete/brick/asphalt/plank/steel", one at a time.

Eventually got it to work and to respect the special permission. The hard part was remembering what I did with the question and how does that work. Then applying the same trick at a lower level wasn't hard.

The next day it was a very nice weather so we (after a goood lunch - chicken paprikaš, mashed potatoes, some savijača (filo dough roll with probably young cheese or apples inside), hot chili sauce and pindžur from Lidl, old pumpkin chutney) sat in the yard. Then Dražen came, we haven't seen him for a few years. He's sort of the same as before, slightly confused, still not doing anything anywhere, just pretends to be a dandy, smiles subduedly a lot... and I don't get it what's wrong with him, but his shrink must be proud of him, he looks quite stable. He was very delighted when Go and Stanley gave him a couple of grams of marijuana from their reserves.

Though there was never much of that, at least not here. I tried once, perhaps in 2015. when they were here, and apart from an interesting smell (yup, still smells like chicken shit from nearby, but now i felt dozen other smells too) nothing, it didn't do me at all. Though they say it doesn't work the zeroeth time.

Then we tried a couple of times from that reserve, when we were alone, and it was interesting the first time, the dreams were colorful, almost three dee, a beauty. The next time we rolled one after fourth brandy, and that was quite nuts. The third time again nothing... and we lost interest then. Perhaps there's still some left for a couple more times, but it's three years now as we keep forgetting to remember it. She coughs and I don't feel much of anything, so we never go for it and it just sits.

Mentions: Dražen, Feds, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Norman Shen, Stanley Berger, in serbian