
(App, USA)

I wrote this for my own amusement. At various times I'd call it with the number of visits to for the current month, as per the StatCounter tracker. It would write down the number, and calculate the estimate for the end of month. Then it would display the graph - the cumulative real visits data until the current moment, and the estimate, as hey varied.

I always liked to code graphs or graphical stuff in general - starting with the zx spectrum when I even did some simple animation, or on atarist where I did some 3D (with orange/green glasses).

I added the counter to in 2009 (actually earlier, with a different counter, supplied by hosting service, which I didn't quite like), so when I started writing down my own stats, I already missed more than two years of data. But never mind, there's always the future.

Two flat lines, for the two periods in september 2020, when it was first stuck with bad CMOS data, then fried.

Two flat lines, for the two periods in september 2020, when it was first stuck with bad CMOS data, then fried.

Only in october of 2019 I stopped with "write down the number" and wrote api_posetu.prg to automate the process. It eventually became another source of data to check my memory against the reality while writing this, until that date - if there's no entry for some time, then I was away. After that, it's the zmajček that was down. This snapshot is about september 2020.

Mentions: 13-X-2003., 16-VII-2009., 06-XI-2012., 24-XII-2015., 26-VIII-2016., 13-VII-2020., 18-I-2021., 23-VIII-2021., 23-X-2021., 19-VI-2022., 26-VII-2022., 10-IX-2022., 17-X-2022., 25-I-2024., 14-V-2024., api_posetu.prg, atariST, homemade,, zmajček, ZX Spectrum, in serbian