
Current standing of the desk.

Left, a cake with fiftysome seedees. Must be that most of them contain movies, there was never enough space on disk for them. The music I mostly managed, though not really all of it. The sticker on the cake is the Flying Spaghetty Monster, which is a religion called pastafarianism. We printed that on that little Dymo printer. The holy booklet was somewhere around the house.

The webcam on the cake is the one from 2003. The controller to the left of the paper is of the sound system. The pink plug is always inserted, that's the microphone. The green is for the headset, which I had to procure, not to be able to hear, rather to be heard. There's a microphone in the camera, just like nanovo has one, but that time two years ago in Orlando I had also to carry a headset (good, Sennheiser, a famous brand I never heard of before), because those mikes are far range, unselective and then when the airplanes from Oceana (aka Owshiena, as the aborigines pronounce it) fly over our roof, there's no talk about talking, it sounds like they're flying through the kitchen. And I'm not the worst offender on the subject, I know when to mute my mike, there's a switch on the cable. Suez, though, often starts typing while the others talk, and his keyboard clicking bangs in everyone's ears, his laptop mike picks all the sounds from the casing.

Trouble is, the headset is turned on and off by plugging and unplugging, there's no switch, which I miss a lot, sometimes I have to do that five times a day.

On the paper are my daily notes. Anything that would be needed to note for another day I write into Fogbugz; this is just the daily buffer. I see I was working some on translation.

My Tasmanian Devil coffee cup carries, I measured, 0,6 liters. Two are just enough to get me through the day. To the right of it, I see, a mobile phone. Have it for two years now, some cheap job from Walmart, cost 20$ I'd say, of which 5$ was in minutes. I kept adding on more minutes to it by bying cards in Kroger, which would then be read at the cash register, ie. the card's serial number would be sent to the issuer, where the payment, in the amount printed on the card, would be registered, which would mean the money was on the card from that moment on. Then I'd dial the number written on the card, and when it would connect, the automated voice would tell me to type the serial number, and then the money from the card would be transfered to my phone number. Complicated, but that's the cost of them not knowing who I am.

On zmajček I run bbLean, in chestnut tones. Let me see what do I have open... TotalCmd, Foobar (playing some tribute to ELP), Gimp (was I processing photos?), two windows of the Firefox (ppp and statcounter.prg); in the lower right there's the addon with clocks across timezones - west coast, Brittain, middle Europe, India, Australia, two windows of Skype (the general one, and the familial squad meeting), Toad for escuelle, Vault for work related files, help for escuelle's language, fox and its debugger, some email open (someone asked about a kvormer), and Aisydeesee to view pictures, looking at todays'.

In fox I'm poking at syncsql2sql.prg, which is, I guess, the routine to pull the metadata from the source tables, the names of tables and their columns, type and size of datum in each column, indexes, triggers, stored procedures and functions, default values etc. Of course it does twice the work, because it has to do the same thing for both dbfs and escouel, taking the source dbfs as the meritory template, it being the older format and thus deserving the honors. The structures of both have to be identical across variants, and this piece of code is in charge of keeping them in sync. The results of it will be built into the next version of upFeds.

We're eating our own tomatoes now, from that two meter stalk. Excellent. Until last fall it was „I love tomatoes and fondly remember them“. This, now, is like it once was.

George: I have the Time-box report working in IE. Bug in IE. http://Feds.wikis.com/wc.dll?Feds~TimeBoxReport

me: did IE ever work right?

(reputation among programmers; I kept finding loads of comments in javascript from various guys complaining about it. Besides, even the javascript bible, which was my textbook, had lots to say about that)

One version of dcLog.prg is now in upFeds, because for some reason it has to be a separate file, not the same one as goes into the exe buing built at the time.

David appologizes for my salary being late, he was on the road.

The next day, a heap of photos, all details - the japanese fans (aka japanese equipment for fanning up the barbecue, excellent), Eleese's sneakers and some drawing, self-propelled globe-toy which I got on the whilfest six years ago already, and again a dozen kvormers. Lots of it shot in the darker part of the living room, so I used the same lights as for the kvormers, nice color and soft shades.

Oliver somewhat down, not sounding too good. Laura asks that someone makes an article on our wiki at George's site, with the agenda for the meeting on twentyfirst. David immediately volunteers me, okay, I know that Laura doesn't know the ropes there, went right away to do that, found that George already did it. Of course, the current crop of bugs in SHET will be on it...

On eighteenth, Ender and Nina posed for shots, in the living room. She even dressed up a bit for the occasion.

Mentions: David Berton, dcLog.prg, Eleese Aquila (Eleese), Ender Aquila (Ender), Feds, fox, George Whiteley, Laura O'Hare, nanovo, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Oliver Byford, ppp, SHET, statcounter.prg, Suez Lima, TotalCmd, translation, upFeds, whilfest, zmajček, in serbian