
(Person, Netherlands)

Just a girl. Blonde, thin, a bit of a long face, somewhat nervous, frail health. She was mostly with Rudolf. Saw her in 1972 first, 1975 last. Visited here once.

IIRC she lived with mother and stepfather. There was once an incident when she puked (drink related?) and her pill went out with the vomit, so she skipped that one and got slightly pregnant - perhaps just a couple of weeks, so "they slurped it out with a straw". Considering that she was around sixteen at the time, the situation in the family probably wasn't the happiest one. Don't know which would be worse, if he knew about this, or if she didn't dare tell him.

She did look troubled often, but then quite happy rest of the time. Though, as goes with that whole german/dutch gang, they all looked so happy and full of joy when vacationing here; at home not so much.

Mentions: 14-VII-1972., 05-VII-1973., 07-VII-1973., 15-VII-1973., august 1974., Vacation enforcement, 26-XII-1974., 31-XII-1974., 08-VII-1975., until about 24th, Rudolf Ochsner, in serbian