
Skyped with Nina something about colors of progress notes (or were they still called medical records then?)... eventually when recstatus=3, red, 2 green, signed off blue, none of above black.

I was making some progress on Barraclough database conversion - "SA done, diagnoses done. Still not connected to cycles - their lab is not connected to cycles, and can't even do much by date as lots of cycles don't have dates. I'll go through other stuff and hopefully get more dates from other cycle events, and then have a routine to match stuff to cycles.". With Das, about something he had to do with ultrasound (follicle scanning)

15:57:00 me: there are two - vw_scans and scanfolls

15:58:05 Das: which one works for the work I need to do? though was not able to SELECT vw_scans in the datasession showed by OI*... no, my bad

16:13:58 me: scanfolls should hold the details, vw_scans should be 1 record per scan, IIRC.

16:14:15 Das : yes vw_scans was required, the job done, thanks. I hope there is no ID to update in scanfolls :O

16:15:36 me: no cycle id... just the id of the record in t_scans, so you're ok

16:16:43 Das: good

Nina was somewhere at a big birthday party for several families from her homebirthers group. It would be her turn next week.

At home, the so-called chicken tractor, the movable cage, was finally complete. Took us tree days to make it. Today we populated by the hens rescued from Čankovo. We'll keep them like that until they grow up sufficiently to join the others. And we'll keep moving the tractor, so they'd mow the yard. Which didn't quite work - the hens don't quite mow, they scrape it, practically destroying roots of everything. Their main food is what they dig, not what grows above.


* OI is the object inspector, a cute thing written by Jan, it would show some properties of the currently active control, to spy on the app without using the debugger

Mentions: Čankovo, Jan Brenkelen, Mohandas Raj (Das), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian

13-XII-2019 - 30-VI-2024