
Skype call from Nina, straight from Tokyo. From her little 8 inch Acer, with 320x240 resolution on the camera, but it works and we saw and heard each other. Ender got worse, so he stayed in the hotel most of the time, and she buzzed around. She made friends with a local girl (who looks exactly typically anime japanese, still nice, incredible) who then took her for a tour. They met a few times.

As Ender got even worse, in the following days, they finally asked the receptionist for a doctor. He pointed them to a local guy behind the corner. They went there and he first assessed the list of meds Ender was already taking, and said most of them were unnecessary or even doing harm. Told him to stop everything except blood pressure regulators, and gave him simple lassix. He spent the rest of the day and the night in the room, peeing his soul out. And felt a lot better. Still, by the time he was up and about, it was time to pack and go home.

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian