
Late in the afternoon a skype chat with Nina. The twins are crawling around the playroom - she's got a nice blue plush carpet there, and a nice view to the porch and yard, ever since they cut the wall there, removed the window and put a terrace door. Made a bunch of good (screen)shots.

The old brewery building is getting a facelift.

The old brewery building is getting a facelift.

The ugly gray is finding its way into every corner.

The ugly gray is finding its way into every corner.

Later, we went downtown to meet with Arpi in zanatlija. Made a bunch of nice shots while walking there. Arpi appeared more or less on time, even though we arranged for this to be later - around 21. We sat over a couple of beers for maybe two hours. He wasn't in the best mood, the divorce is getting complicated. Višnja is asking a lot, half the house plus some, and doesn't count the stuff she took with her (fridge, washer, stove, couches, even the coffee table). Silvija also got another positive or undecisive result from her latest sample, so that beat him down further.

We parted at 23:30 or so. We didn't feel like taking the short way home, so we decided to add a few hundred meters to our route, and to walk by Lesnina. At the corner before it there's the Šanta, with perhaps fourth owner now and third remodeling, but now that it had places to sit outside. We sat there for two more beers. I made more shots - the greenery combines with the traffic light in a nice way - and I also took more shots of the tables from underneath, just like I did several times last year: we wanted to steal the best simplest construction for a garden table and benches to make for ourselves. All that woodworking machinery and almost two cubic meters of plank are just sitting there, so why not.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Lesnina, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Silvija Umljanić, Šanta, Višnja, zanatlija, in serbian