
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

For the last hundred years or so there was a tavern with such name (or similar) in that place, under different forms of ownership and organization. It's in the back yard of an institution called Udruženje zanatlija (tradesmen'/artizans' union) or Udruženje samostalnih preduzetnika (union of standalone entrepreneurs) or someting in that sense.

The USP was a customer of DBA and I spent a lot of time there, never visiting the "library" as they called it in their slang, when someone asks for the president of the union. They couldn't just say "he's in the backyard bar, drinking himself silly".

Excellent cuisine; poor choice of beer after 2013 - "we carry the programme of ..." is the short for "the mafia pushes us to buy this, sorry, we don't have that german import anymore". Often some live music, the XIX to early XX century city traditional style, with just plucked strings (tambours of different sizes, double bass), clad in traditional local garb. There are several such bands, some of them Roma, some just older guys trying to make a buck. The former may line up uninvited around your table. Sometimes they create good mood, sometimes you just feel the pressure from them and can't talk. We actually reduced the tip when rasejani gathered here in 2013 because the music wasn't removed. We sat far enough from the others.

Mentions: 03-VIII-2005., 13-VII-2013., 21-VII-2013., 28-VIII-2013., 16-IV-2014., He came, 01-VI-2014., 09-IX-2015., 03-X-2015., The big lunch, 12-VIII-2016., 26-V-2017., 05-VI-2018., 21-VI-2018., 22-VIII-2019., and the next two days, 17-IX-2019., Brandy course, 03-VI-2022., 14-IX-2022., 17-X-2022., 07-XI-2022., 13-I-2024., DBA, Milena Požarić, rasejani, in serbian