
Ah, here - on 15th I got a spool of 2x8mm, which I shot during the day. What comes out of it may end up at the festival in Kula.

17th, left the biology class, legally, as we had some joint orchestra concert in that other school at north end. I was the only one from Zmaj. Don't remember who was conducting. Had fun with (lots of) girls there, got sandwiches. The actual show was in the afternoon. I remember the building and that I was inside once (it's on one of bigger streets), but not quite what was all that like. In the end, I was again on the back seet of dad's fića with Oli Boj. Then in the evening I was with her and Đica on ruža, but not at the same time; they got into a fight which turned serious.

Today, the practical part of the competition, and it was held at Zmaj, as the photo discipline had the task to raid the monument in front of šećerana (i.e. in the park, but facing the factory gates). We were lucky to have only the two of us in the competition, because we had only one developing tank, and it takes about 90 minutes to do one. We were finished at 19:45.

The spool from first paragraph blew it, it didn't reverse, it's mostly negative. The only successful part is near the end, when blaženko shits.

The next day Veljko died. Alcohol related, via liver, and only one kidney, if I remember correctly. He felt it coming, so he just got sufficiently drunk to feel no pain and sleep. Didn't wake up. Three days later I wrote down that it was "outpouring of blood in brain and lungs".

The competition in Senta will be friday to sunday. I'll miss out on few music (and other) emisijas on radio, wrote them down:

- Minimax - more of a satire and comedy than music, but it did play lots of then hits, saturday morning, 10-12.

- igranka bez prestanka - dance without cessation - don't remember what, where, when.

- dežurni studio - this was probably the sucessor to "sastanak u 9:05" on 1st, sunday mornings, don't really remember

- prijatelj zvezda - Nikola Nešković, though it was around 18:00, when the medium wave was unreliable, and it would frequently get mixed up with some other station by sunset. This was an important guy who did leave a trace. Where I first heard Donovan's "Atlantis", for example. And many more songs which meant something then.

- kuda-kada-kako - where-when-how - sounds like a tourism/entertainment show, but they were following the times, so more pop music

Mentions: Blaženko, Đurđica Oraški (Đica), emisija, fića, Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), ruža, šećerana, Veljko Hlače, Zmaj, in serbian