
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

A broadcast - but to differ from the english "emission" (which covers anything let out of anything and into the air), in serbocroatian the word means specifically a radio or tv show. Not necessarily a show, anything that is broadcast and has a beginning, content, end. Can be news, can be live transmission, can be radio drama, can be just music with or without someone at the microphone. But it's not always a show - doesn't have to have that format, or way of production at all. Could be simply news or a soccer match comment going straight in the air.

Mentions: july 1967., 18-V-1969., 28-I-1970., march 1970., 20-III-1970., 05-II-1971., 16-VI-1973., Kragujevac, 06-II-1974., 07-IV-1976., 20-XII-1995., 20-IX-1998., 18-IX-2003., Isabel hurricane, september 2005., 13-XII-2010., 08-XII-2022., kviskoteka

2-IV-2023 - 10-IX-2023