17-VIII-1969.: and most of the next week

Two days ago blaženko got sort of married. I wrote down a detailed description of the bride. The white one vanished on 30. july.

Went back to ruža to meet the old gang yesterday. There met Rencika, Dragana, Tejka, few more girls from my class or VIII3. Rencika had the idea to spread something on the grass to sit. Found some cardboard boxes behind the garbage cans, opened them (I was trying to avoid any duty that fell solely on me, so I expected to have company doing it, but no, they convinced me). Along the way, some gang of strictly short haired guys warned me about my (lack of) haircut, and threatened to regulate the issue on the spot, one guy was supposed to hop upstairs and get scissors. I caught exit stage left rapidly, and found some cement bags behind the garages. But then I'd have to pass the same gang again, carrying those sacks... um, no, sorry girls, I'm gone.

On 18th, fixed my bicycle and went to try it a few rounds.

Once these days dad noticed that some girl was looking at me while we passed, and kept at it a bit thereafter, which then prompted mom to start questioning me about my sentimental affairs, which I resented. She always found a way to catch a wrong word in whatever I was explaining, and no matter what it was, I'd end up abstractly guilty of something.

The rest of the week were plans for my birthday party - inviting folks. Oli Boj would come with R, who I assumed was her boyfriend but no, she said, he's younger than us. Or if he can't, she'd bring another girl from VIII3. Tejka is coming, and says I should talk to Rencika and Dragana to convince them to come. How long should I talk that? Until they agree. With the recommendation to call Gradivoj too.

Joke of the day:

"What would you do if someone shaved a cross over your scalp?"

"I'd bury him under that cross."

Patak was mostly drunk when I met him those days, with his endless zigzag rambling speeches. Rencika was sad, crying, because they broke up. She tried to schedule a reconciliation talk in the evening, on the condition that if he doesn't show up it's over. Someone says "he won't be here until the evening, I forbade him, he brings me bad luck in poker".

On 22nd I went to buy a couple of singles ("Mal", aka "Hush" from Johnny Haliday, "Boom-bang-a-bang!" from Lulu, "Zum-zum"+"Monja" by some italian choir, "Sonata/Magična ruka" by Korni grupa). Along the way met Tejka returning from downown, she probably went to buy some too.

Mentions: Blaženko, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Emerencija Nerdelji (Rencika), Gradivoj Čović, Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), Patak, ruža, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), VIII3, in serbian