
Completed the purchases, got all the parts and have put together the new incarnation of zmajček, the #2. Back in the old big box, as the tall fan couldn't slide in through the opening in the sliding box. And actually I liked this box better. It helf Lena's computer for a while, but then she got all new and this box was unused.

Ricardo made these specs and that's what I ordered: MB ASUS A8N5X NF4 939, VGA LEADTEK PCIE 128M PX6200TC R (served fine until 2018), power supply ANTECTPII-480 BLUE RT, ATHLON 64 3000+ 1.8G 90NM R (my first 64-bit processor, though I ran 32-bit XP at the time) and 512Mx2|CORSAIR D400 VS1GBKIT400. The monitor was still the same old 19" crt I got from Zero. The old box was rebooting too often, couldn't get much done last few days.

Marinko was asking something about COM objects, eh.

News from home, dad says they may still get another round of snow, and it was already -26 last february, this time it didn't go below -17, so it's not that bad, just rain and a few flakes. Over here, it's finally getting cold, windy, temperature around zero. Air is dry, but amazingly the static electricity isn't so bad this winter. In Kroger the boss took my complaint to heart and ordered some other wax for the plastic floor tiles, so I'm not getting hit with some voltage every time I touch an item on a shelf. For leaving the car I already have a honed skill, foot touches the ground first, so it goes through the sole. And these southerners are crazy, it's never cold enough - we wear padded jackets and they wear shorts, t-shirts, slippers.

Winter doesn't change much in driving habits here, Amers in their cars behave as if in kitchen - make phone calls, drink coffee, lift a leg on the table/dashboard, check their makeup, have a dog in their lap... one can't expect that to change because of a paltry 2mm of snow on the road. So you see them stepping on it and waltzing through the green light.

David doesn't have time to breathe, he's not even checking my progress. I did deliver what I promised, and on time (ok, 15 days instead of 14, but that was caused by hardware), and now I'm waiting for him to take a look at it. And then it should be back to the bigger app, that I haven't touched for three months, ouch. Remember, remember... what's where. Specially now that we're trying to take over the production and workorders from that horrible Access app written by that fucker (who still got rich on it, has a huge macmansion in an expensive part of NYC).

Nina is learning to drive. These days we practiced city driving, had a tour to the airport. The thing she didn't master (and probably never will) is parallel parking. I faked one in the back alley, lined up trash cans and the old door to denote the car in front and the rear, and she didn't quite get it, saying the height of the door doesn't match the height of the curb. But then most Americans never master the technique. She's going for the exam this saturday. Tomorrow's a friday, so I'll run her through rush hour. Then she plans to visit home, having graduated recently, her usual european trip.

Mentions: David Krakovski, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Marinko Protić, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), Zero Distance (Zero), zmajček, in serbian