Marinko Protić

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A fellow programmer. Met him as an in-house programmer in the engineering in one of the metal works enterprises, a customer of DBA.

When I went to the US, he found me and started chatting. Over the years, he became a sort of remote apprentice, and learned a lot. Except he never learned to stop asking me questions and to stop trying to show me code.

Mentions: 02-III-2006., 18-XI-2006., 21-II-2007., 10-IV-2007., 06-XII-2008., 31-XII-2008., 04-II-2009., 25-VII-2009., 12-XII-2009., 30-VI-2010., 05-VII-2010., 10-XI-2010., 13-VI-2012., 21-VIII-2013., 16-IX-2013., 12-IV-2014., 21-IV-2014., 13-IX-2014., 14-X-2014., 15-XI-2014., 14-XII-2014., 03-VIII-2015., 12-IX-2015., 02-I-2016., 12-VIII-2016., 11-VIII-2017., 17-IX-2018., 13-VIII-2019., 15-XI-2019., 19-VIII-2020., 09-VIII-2021., 04-XI-2021., 14-III-2022., 30-VIII-2022., 06-III-2023., 27-IV-2023., DBA, domaćin, juski, in serbian