
Yesterday, Rudolf was mostly absent, working. I spent time in his room, listening to what music he had (excellent sound equipment, though, and that big burgundy leather armchair was just so comfortable... found it on the curb, it was nicked at a rear corner, someone threw it away). At some point Inge appeared. She's grown, a fullblown girl now. Of course, has a regular boyfriend. Still, we kissed once and talked a lot. She didn't have much time, will have tomorrow.

Later, went with Rudolf and the big guy whom I knew from last year to have some beers with their gang. Nothing much happened.

(Note on the calculator: several keys are upside down. That's intentional. We opened it a few times and discovered that they are symmetrical, so why not. Looks cool, and if it confuses someone, the better.)

Today, she came as promised, driving her little Renault 4, and took me shopping. The parking garage at the shopping center gave her some problems, so I parked it for her - I was an experienced driver by now. I bought two calculators, one scientific (70 DEM) for myself, with all the functions but only up to six significant digits (which will prove beneficial next semester), and a tiny one for dad. Bought a couple of records (Tull's "Benefit" and "Aqualung" and Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper"). We had lunch somewhere, almost romantic. This may be when I first tried a pizza.

After the first few awkward minutes (now when I think about it, more than forty years later) of that lunch, once we overcame the first wave of it, for being so in love four years ago and now sitting like just old friends, not even holding hands, it went into really nice and pleasant. She confessed a few things to me, and felt much better for just having someone she can trust to tell to. I also felt good to be the one who'd listen.

Mentions: Inge Hertmann (Inge), Rudolf Ochsner, in serbian