
Plugged nezavisni into dad's router, got connected to Jan's server, and scheduled a skype meeting with him at 14:00 (yeah, back to the 24 hour day! hated the American am/pm all the time).

Went for a walk and to buy a bicycle, weather being really hot, and thinking what Braca said that he won't be selling bikes anymore, there are four such shops down the street, I walked down the street. And back. There was only one bike shop - unless motorbikes count. The old one where I used to repair my bikes was gone. On the way back found that "Dane", where they usually sell garden tools, also sells bikes. Got me the cheapest Chinese they had, ugly black and silver with some redeeming purple, 18-gear with pedal shafts covered in plastic - obviously, real rustfree (stainless isn't without a stain) steel being too expensive. Even so, it cost around 110$, while the blue ones we bought at Walmart in 2003 were 60$ (and had shock absorbers in the front fork). Made it to the meeting with just a few minutes delay, and then Jan had to be late for some reason. Met at 14:30, and then he just handed me back all the agency code (SHET, CAAR) related bugs he was supposed to do while I was absent. Well.

At the same time, they two came from oma's on... brand new bikes too. Not chinese junk, but made in Subotica, much nicer than mine, with just six gears (I wish I had found such) and regular wide seats. The prostate torturer I had will soon be replaced with my old seat from the last century.

In the afternoon, our bedroom was renamed to blue room.

Mentions: Braca, CAAR, Jan Brenkelen, nezavisni, oma, SHET, in serbian