
Dad took me downtown so I got the ticket - the "Bugs in the head" movie was on. Still having lots of time, I buzzed around main street (the movie is in a sidestreet, a block from school). I wished she was with me. And look at that - I meet Duca and Dragana right there, so I sneak from behind and say, all relaxed and natural, "hi there". "Hey, how come you're here at this time?". I explain about the movie. "I knew you'd be here" - "You knew?" "Premonition". It was perfect - Dragana was there to meet her current boyfriend, so we just went to post office to phone Tejka to fix an alibi for Duca (same entrance, two floors difference), then we met that guy and went to the movie.

The movie [theatre, aka bioskop] being the „Balkan“, there was the mandatory break music playing whenever the projection wasn't on. They had one LP (or was it a tape), of Creedence Clearwater Revival. They played the same four or five songs over and over, every day, for years. I got a conditional reflex to ask, whenever I hear one of them, „how did you like the movie?“, decades after.

The movie is mostly a visual equivalent of underground music, which is in there anyway - the score is by Korni grupa, mostly edits from "Jedna žena", plus the current hit "Bube" (bugs) which isn't heard in the movie in its commercial version, as the text is only loosely related to the plot, and is not even remotely as serious as the movie. Main roles were by Dragan Nikolić, the rocker face of Yu movies at the time, also the guy who was the main person of "Maksimetar", and Milja Vujanović, the winner of the "Mis Jugoslavije" pageant of the year or two ago. Nice tits (could it be that this was the first time I saw tits in motion?). They both had rich careers later, he as an actor and she as... a kind of a loonie in the late nineties, all into tarot and mystical forces. The line by his character "I am crazy. I find it completely natural when I lie, and then I find it unusual when others do that". Or, in a replica of the scene with Hamlet, he holds a skull and says "Poor man, I'm sorry, but I really have nothing to say to you".

The tickets cost 3 dinars each. I kept her ticket as a souvenir.

We held hands, walked in embrace, kissed at her entrance. It's true... most of the afternoon I had hard time believing.

Mentions: 17-X-2005., Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Dušica Tošin (Duca), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), in serbian
