Duca (Dušica Tošin)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

One from VIII3 and then IV4. Studied maths with me, but took first two years at the local branch (unlike Staša and Mima and me, who went straight to central unit in Novi - Borko and a few others did). I don't remember ever seeing her at the lectures or exams.

She was one of the regular gang in the 1970-74 who gathered at my place to have a smoke and play cards. Had an courtship with her, november-december 1970, which was only pro forma, we kissed once and never even talked seriously; then during the next doček she opted for Beštara, which also didn't last. She went for Joška, one of the twins (while Tejka, who lived two floors below, went for the other). The first coupling ended with a marriage (still doing fine) and at least a son; the other got nowhere.

Mentions: 31-XII-1968., 25-I-1969., 16-IV-1969., 04-V-1969., 11-V-1969., 12-VI-1969., ...to 14, 25-X-1969., 13-XII-1969., 10-V-1970., 17-V-1970., End of elementary, 31-V-1970., 31-VIII-1970., 01-IX-1970., and the rest of the week, 07-IX-1970., 13-IX-1970., 19-IX-1970., and the rest of the month, october 1970., 27-X-1970., and the following few days, november 1970., until 18th, 18-XI-1970., 30-XI-1970., 01-XII-1970., until 17th, 22-XII-1970., 31-XII-1970., 01-I-1971., 05-II-1971., april 1971., 19-V-1971., 19-XI-1971., 19-XII-1971., 02-I-1972., 08-III-1972., 03-IV-1972., 23-IV-1972., 19-VIII-1972., 02-I-1973., 08-III-1973., Two classes show, 09-VI-1984., Ten years reunion, june 1989., 03-VI-1997., 02-IX-2014., 03-IX-2016., 09-IX-2017., 15-IX-2018., 02-XII-2020., 18-IX-2023., 05-X-2023., doček, IV4, Joška Rac, Lesnina, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Merima Tabarski (Mima), Milovan Sebešćen (Beštara), MPSŠC, Novi Sad, petefi, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Stanoje Serdarević (Staša), VIII3, in serbian