
The matter of sleeping was settled by my turning two hours back... so 2:30 is now 0:30 etc. I'll have to cut that in a week anyway, when the school starts in the morning shift.

Had a kind of fight with Tejka around that last doček and her manipulation - she allegedly invited me to the Pišta's place, without even introducing me to the guys (handled that myself, few days ago). Then paraded my name to them as if goading them or whatever - it was her word against me not knowing a thing, surely fair. Nice technique, if they never catch you, but that ends now.

She brought some girl with her, pretty etc but from a wrong place on the planet, one of those hercegovinian villages where they speak worse accent then before migrating here, a true tied sack.

Evening 2nd the Other Veca didn't come. Evening failed. This evening she screwed up, appeared but didn't feel like going anywhere. This was the third time at least, that we aren't going because we first wait for her, then she appears but won't go. There's a longish dialogue which I wrote down, but I skipped to the last line, when I said "I think we won't be seeing each other soon. Good bye". So we went without her.

The smoke in Dom was almost liquid. The attempt to get them into the Pišta's gang failed, too crowded, couldn't come close. Met a few guys from ruža (Zvojko among them), though, danced with them. The thing at the time was to make a sufficient circle that one guy can do a number in the middle, then the next guy etc. The mummies (the token I frequently used for Veca and Sneca that winter) didn't want to get in, at least in the beginning. Maybe not the best gang for the place, but well versed in what they were doing, improvised well on the spot.

The place emptied rapidly, because there was police outside, and they went through the fresh technique: ask you for an ID, then check your face against the picture, aha, not the likeness, come to police HQ tomorrow to verify. Which meant they'd convince you to have a haircut or perhaps you'd like to have your credentials written into this book here? Many guys ran through the back door and through the park; some under the little bridge, and some just got lost under the cops' very noses. But every such evening a dozen scalps were taken.

Fuck you frajers. I liked this socialism.

BTW, Džok tried with Sneca, got ditched. He later said he just wanted to dance, or just to talk or whatever... yeah, right. She complained later that he was rude and indecent.

Mom says that the problem with Other Veca may be money - they must be over head in debt, having moved and trying to put together the apartment, wardrobe and whatnot, so better go nowhere until we can afford you some pocket money. Well I don't care too much for money, but if it comes in between people, then it's bad.

Tejka came to, among other chat, ask what to do when Pišta ditches Slavka - should she take him back, or just fuck im off as cruel as she can. I kept mum, the best I could do. It's your life, not mine, and whatever I say may be taken seriously, or seriously wrongly, and then I end up the guilty party. About my complaints on wasting time on mummies, she said "they want to get included into the society here, which should be done with lots of care and patience, which we also wish to each other, to find it again, ever since we lost trace of it".

Still, despite the long string of failures, this winter vacation was fun.

Mentions: 26-VI-1972., Theatre begins, 02-VI-1975., doček, Dom omladine, frajer, Pišta Rac, ruža, Sima Veljin (Džok), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavka Vinković, Snežana Stojanović (Sneca), Vera Stojanović (Veca), Zvonko Darišić (Zvojko), in serbian