Slavka Vinković

(Person, Yugoslavia)

One of the four prettiest girls in IV5pp, and I'm saying that despite my blonde preferences. Darker of complexion, a good friend and generally nice company, wasn't too lucky. She was with us only one year - then failed and had to repeat the year.

A couple of decades later her son had died (I know nothing of circumstances) and she then completely retreated, so they say. I haven't seen her much during that last year or two, when she was one grade behind us, and after that not even once.

Mentions: 10-VIII-1971., 01-IX-1971., 12-IX-1971., 05-X-1971., 19-XI-1971., 08-XII-1971., Bulgaria and Switzerland, 02-I-1972., 16-I-1972., 01-II-1972., 07-II-1972., 14-II-1972., 01-III-1972., 03-IV-1972., 23-IV-1972., 09-V-1972., 16-V-1972., 19-VIII-1972., 01-IV-1973., Work action in Naftagas, IV5pp, Lesnina, in serbian