
School should begin soon, but all bets are off on when exactly. The works on remodeling weren't going on at the desired speed, and nobody really knew whether they'd be done on time. There's talk about the amount of alcohol that went into the works. Allegedly we should begin on eleventh, but then that would only be a gathering when we'll be informed when we really begin.

Playing coke goes like this: he shoves it in, and she shouts "that's the real thing".

Meanwhile not shaving, not cutting my hair. The enrollment will, as usual, be done by Tejka.

Time for restart. Got just one letter from Inge. Failed at a couple of girls these weeks, okay. For failing with Ruška, however, I felt the need to cry, but tears wouldn't come. Would be easier so. Did I really like her so much?

On 2nd saw Ruška in the evening. She smiled at me, was all nice.

- you know, sometimes I get the feeling I should just give up

- well give up

- then I see you and then I can't... okay, I'll have patience until, say, november

- okay, november

And then her company dragged her away. Then some time later, when I thought she was gone, she was in a company of some Bosnian moron who started the old "whom did you ask for permission to talk to her" line, not sure whether he was drunk or what, but she sent him away. And we continued... where I was more of a life coach than a candidate boyfriend, trying to boost her spirits and defenses,

- ...all of which wouldn't be so horrible if I hadn't got so hopelessly enamored.

And then Linka drags her away. And then she allowed some other guy a bit more and much faster, he even got to embrace her and escort her. OK, got the message.

Then Vasa came by, he saw some of the exchange, and by his estimate, I've done about eighty percent of what it takes to get her, and doing the remainder should be worth the trouble. Stayed with him until some time, just talked a lot, similar views on things... until around midnight two cops just recommended we should disperse.

On 3rd Čarga was buying the tickets for Dom (the crowd at the box office is immense, so we delegate one guy to do it). When he was distributing them, some got stuck to each other, and we were two tickets short. Hazim and I were the last, so had to get another pair of tickets.

Danced a lot with some girl whom Vasa missed narrowly (went for the other one) and did all the opening moves really quickly, because the first one ("I sort of know you from somewhere - which end of town?" "Hospital" "šećerana" - ouch) introduced a risk of being given a firm no six kilometers from home. The story went about third grade being a risk - sure, a friend of her got married in third grade, and she herself took that grade twice, she knows... "You look quite youthful to be eighteen" "What can I do". And went on about her boiyfriend being in cast for four months in the hospital and two more at home and is still due two more months...

So I exited stage left at the first opportunity. Vasa found that quite funny, specially that he escaped her by a hairbreadth.

Today Zova dropped by, for some reason. In the afternoon, took what albums I had and went to Vasa - he borrowed a real stereo record player from a neighbor, so we played them. The difference is incrediible, the space! Specially Harrison and Hair. Lennon is so-so, and the Korni grupa, which is mono anyway, managed to sound a shade worse.

Got a block flute from Vasa. Came home, went into the garage and in forty minutes not only learned the finger layout, but some four songs. This is easy.

Measured the thickness of the diary so far against various memoirs dad had bought - Žukov, Churchill, De Gaulle.

Mentions: Dom omladine, Hazim Jabučin, Inge Hertmann (Inge), Mira Pajin (Linka), Ružica Bajin (Ruška), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), šećerana, Vasa Šančev, Velemir Prokin (Čarga), Zdravko Smetovački (Zova), in serbian