Zova (Zdravko Smetovački)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A guy from IV5pp. His dad was some big honcho in the kombinat, a CEO of some part of it and probably ranked something in the Party as well.

Undoubtedly intelligent, he was also lazy at times, and would sometimes even fail a test in maths (when Radoje was teaching) and would then ace the next one. Dad kept him on a rather short leash while in gimnazija, which we didn't know - after classes he'd just go back to his village and I know zero of what he does then.

After that he enrolled in PMF, Belgrade, to study maths just like other four of us did. Then next year he switched to something else, then something else again, eventually settling on tourismology. Which he never got past third semester, but eventually told his dad that he graduated. His dad celebrated it loudly and richly, as is proper for such an important guy.

He then went to the vojska, and his dad wanted to make sure he doesn't serve all 15 months, but 12 as graduates do, so he went to the fakultet to get the paperwork... only to find out that he still has 2nd year exams to pass, and never came close to 3rd year. Which shocked him a lot. May be unrelated, but he died a small number of years later.

Never married. Met him on business, while in DBA, when he was selling fax machines for some company. We always invite him to the class reunions, even manage to get him on the phone (first me, then Sredljak then Bajlo, as the duty shifted), but he never comes.

Mentions: 27-X-1970., and the following few days, november 1970., until 18th, 22-XII-1970., 15-I-1971., 07-III-1971., may 1971., june 1971., 01-IX-1971., 11-IX-1971., 05-X-1971., 19-XI-1971., 27-XI-1971., 08-XII-1971., Bulgaria and Switzerland, 19-XII-1971., 02-I-1972., 14-II-1972., 01-III-1972., 03-IV-1972., 01-V-1972., , 09-V-1972., 16-V-1972., 01-VI-1972., 01-IX-1972., 06-IX-1972., 11-X-1972., 22-XII-1972., 29-I-1973., 11-II-1973., 08-III-1973., Two classes show, 16-IV-1973., 06-V-1973., 20-V-1973., 15-IX-1973., 29-X-1973., 01-XI-1973., december 1973., 31-XII-1973., Doček at Mariška's, 13-I-1974., Korni grupa only tonight, 06-II-1974., 10-III-1974., 01-IV-1974., 06-V-1974., 15-V-1974., Seniors' outing, 22-VII-2001., 04-II-2009., 31-V-2014., 30-XI-2020., Čestić, DBA, gimnazija, Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), IV5pp, kombinat, Nenad Bajlo (Bajlo), Radoje Maletin, Radoslav Kajganić (Zaka), Smetovački, vojska, in serbian