
(Person, Yugoslavia)

A guy from kinta. The local rocker, always moderately long hair, more or less resembling Marc Bolan. His bicycle, a pony (i.e. foldable with 20" wheels) was full of add ons - bells, trumpets, extra lights and whatnots. For a while he was a deejay in the disco on kinta.

He usually got drunk on each anniversary of Hendrix's death.

Nobody knows why his nickname was Jež (hedgehog). Nobody I know knows of any of his other names.

Saw him last some time in late seventies, and then he just vanished from the horizon. Arpi knew him better, but now that he's dead, it's too late to ask around about absent friends.

Mentions: 01-X-1973., 29-X-1973., 01-XI-1973., 29-XI-1973., 10-III-1974., Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), kinta, in serbian