
She came in the afternoon. Gave her the letter from Melanija to look at, just to see there's nothing big in there. She heard when Anđelko Maletić read my letter in his yugo pop slot, about "low interest for Korni grupa", and hence remembered me. Said it was alright, do what you want, which I did. Then when I walked her to her bus(... 70 words...)

On monday Sonja had to go somewhere for something, so Zova, Sredljak and I substituted for her in the first one, look at that, a girls' class again. At first they wouldn't have us, but then we started with some of our stories, mostly about what her classes look in our class, they started to listen and ask each other about the parts they missed. Duda is in that class.

On tuesday two professors (-esses, female) were dicked up somewhat*, first the sociology one about her daughter**, then the astronomy one held a class long oration to Dragana, for whichever infraction (perhaps one of her attempts to turn Zova into a frajer, when she sat in his lap). Plus another rough job show about Lenin again, this time in russian, which we also screwed up some.

Thursday 14th, Bukac brought me the editor gadget, I start editing kornians now. Rudolf wrote, says he means to travel to Thailand. (... 7 words...)

On friday, the havoc at school calmed down, Zova and Bilja got out easy. She came a bit earlier. In the evening we watched "Lover of grand style" (originally "A touch of class") wigh Glenda Jackson, that is we didn't meet downtown, I drove to pick her up, then had just a few minutes left, she gets out of the car I park she gets the tickets we enter at 19:59.

(... 114 words...)

On saturday (16th) we went shopping, she needed buttons for the dress and a chocolate to take, then went to visit her roommate. I sort of remember her from school, not bad at all, impresses with freshness. Sat with her for a while then went to my place for dinner. Then put together 12 kinta for diskać, in the supermarket by the railroad we bought half a liter of rum and some oddball "filter Makedonka" (I don't even remember a cigarette of such name existed), then went downtown. The act of the day was that I beat*** something and get a light kick in the shin, which happened frequently. (... 26 words...) Talked about all things, how in hungarian only noble surnames have a y in the end, how to say dohányipar (tobacco factory), she tried to explain how it feels to menstruate.

When there was only one deciliter left in the bottle, we went to Dom, the half liter bottle does not peek out of my šinjel pocket. Few have noticed that I was drunk, e.g. Z from DC-99. Sleš was in good mood, mocked her some (I heard nothing under the noise). Then we met Jež, says his records from the disco on kinta were stolen.

Then we sat somewhere, drank the rest, left the bottle under a chair. The band was ex Mozaik, now renamed to "Grom bum bend" (i.e. Grne's).

Then walked and talked. (J.B. asked me next day about any news, is the bridge still standing or it crashed under us.) We hurried so she isn't even a minute late, spread the step while embraced, then had a few minutes to stand by our wall. Sailed home aware of essentials only - where to go, what's the time, how to use legs.

On sunday, 17th, went late to DC-99 and it was of course locked already. On the way back, in my street, met Z. and M. and gave them passes for the "Midnight cowboy" on tuesday.

She came in the afternoon and we had a good laugh reconstructing last evening and all that happened. Then when I escorted her, J.B. came and said "Just when I wanted to offer to carry her bag, then I saw you there and I see it fits you nicely, you became a real professional".

Monday, of course, empty. On tuesday Sredljak and I hauled the machine gun and a bazooka - NMN obviously didn't forget last year's shooting day. Went with him to Dom to the movie. She was waiting already, a bit ill, says "headache all over my body". Found time to fight oma, "as soon as you come from Novi you're immediately not at home, you just ramble". As if I can postpone the movie. Dad went to visit a colleague, about 1km off kinta, so I was carless, but mom somehow makes it into him meeting me downtown and passing me the keys, and them walking home. I drove her home driving gentlest I could, she really wasn't looking well.

The next day my folks went to Romania to a smuggling trip, so I first went to the club by bus, we were supposed to meet some board of Dom about who knows what, but it came to nothing. Walked on to kinta, I was supposed to hold the fort for Jež for about half an hour, as his records were stolen, but went to her first, of course. She was in bed already. We fumbled something about my going to Novi, and I slipped something about my returning on sunday, oops... oma got suspicious right away. "Should teach you to hold your tongue behind teeth. That's school too."

On kinta it was all closed already, disco not working, so I wasn't the deejay for the evening. Returned to her, left the records and caught the last bus.


*to be dicked up - grumpy, in bad mood, ready to snap at you

** which eventually married Gavra

*** say at random, mostly something stupid or just wrong

Mentions: Biljana Lajković (Bilja), DC-99, Dom omladine, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Duda, frajer, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Grne, Jež, kinta, Melanija Tisarević, Mika Zelenić (Sleš), Novi Sad, oma, Rudolf Ochsner, Sonja Savković, šinjel, yugo, Zdravko Smetovački (Zova), in serbian