Trle (Trajko Kajganić)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A guy from Second (gimnazija), mostly known as a deejay, though his gigs were always elsewhere, I actually never was on one of them. He was always around and we kind of knew each other and met often enough, but I actually don't know the guy.

This is just to have a handle on his appearances and avoid inserting "some guy from Second" in the text so often.

Only in december of 2021 I found that he was in VIII3. There you go.

Zaka may be related to him, the surname isn't too frequent.

Mentions: 05-VI-1973., 19-I-1977., 25-V-2019., 01-XII-2023., 25-I-2024., 05-II-2024., gimnazija, Radoslav Kajganić (Zaka), VIII3, in serbian