may 1981.

This is me, enjoying a smoke break in the blind corner with my class. About their last day of school. This shouldn't be my shooter, it's one of them who brought one, and the negative was left to me to develop. I guess M.'s brother let on that I'm doing that, being a club member and all that. The negative contains mostly their pics, around the school, posing drinking lying on the river bank.

This blind corner was the official smoking ground, so while the students weren't allowed to smoke, this area was explicitly not checked. The dumpster behind is full of metal shavings. The lathes kept churning all the time.

Go and Mire and Zorica's son, with the bricks for the shit pit behind. The pit was huge, but we still ended up with too many bricks - my calculation was too pessimistic - so I was very happy when a neighbor bought the extra at some decent price. Bragged about that to Loba, and he counted me one negative notch for being such a cheapskate. Yet I was happy for quite a different reason - it's going to be tight and every kinta will count.

Mire i Deks digging the shit pit, aka the sceptic tank (the ongoing joke had it so). The pit was covered with a concrete slab, which we reinforced by scrap iron from the junkyard. The slab is sunk perhaps one shovel deep, then covered with soil. We don't want one more piece of concrete in the yard.

Tbe beer is the genuine local, from that ancient brewery which is 20 years older than Guinness.

The day when we got to the park, managed that too. I guess I had the time, now having one class less. Though, as a classmaster, I still had to do a lot of paperwork on them - the matricular book, their diplomas, return the documents etc, but had time enough during regular hours. Judging by the direction of the sun, this was around noon, so probably a weekend. The building behind is the same one of twenty years ago, they probably only replaced seats and rewelded the chain hinges.

Mentions: Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jene Čokai (Deks), Milorad Škanata (Mire), Slobodan Šumić (Loba), Zorica Škanata, in serbian