Zorica Škanata

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Wife of Mire, didn't know them before they were married. Worked as a teacher in a kindergarten. Aged nicely*. Guess it's the bicycle, they used to go to long vacations that way. They'd pack the bikes on the train to Spain and then pedal their way back. Sports family. Though, in 2022 they returned on foot, and maybe not all the way but perhaps to Marseilles, guess because she broke a few bones once, consequences.


* my dear disagreed with the assessment, and we disagreed on the subject in 2017, but then by 2022 I also changed my mind, looked like she suddenly aged. Or is it that it just looks sudden, because we see them so rarely.

Mentions: 25-VIII-1980., 31-XII-1980., may 1981., 23-VIII-1982., december 1982., 31-XII-1986., 09-VIII-2005., 31-XII-2010., 26-II-2012., 31-XII-2017., 05-VIII-2022., 16-XII-2022., Jene Čokai (Deks), Milorad Škanata (Mire), in serbian