
One of stranger dočeks, as it put together people who'd otherwise never meet. The hosts were Sleš and his wife. Among guests, we, Đenđi, B. (son of the director of Zmaj, who may have already retired at the time), and Sleš sister-in-law of sorts (who will later be the boss of the little bank shop on 25. maj), who came after midnight.

What Sleš drinks here is rasol, the salty water from sour cabbage. It's a famous hangover cure here. Not that we needed it at all, we didn't get drunk, it was just soooo goood.

We had solid fun, had merry old time. B. hit it with Đenđi, I think he copped more than what's accidentally on this photo. He was out there somewhere and enjoyed it.

I don't recognize the drink, could be pelinkovac (a bitter), but also possible that it was wine, though the glasses look small for it.

The apartment is a minor miracle. Everything in sight is available in retail, I've seen all of it elsewhere. But the missus is teaching visual arts (in an elementary in a village, where she has trouble explaining the difference between Mane and Manet), and I think the interior styling is her work. She's got style.

It's a bit weird to be on a doček at the city's leading deejay's place watching TV, but then rocknroll isn't everything, and there was stuff that the ladies wanted to watch, so why not... and it was okay, altogether.

I think I never saw B. again, only heard a few bits but don't remember what (of that is him and what his brother). Đenđi missed a year next fall and I'm not quite sure she ever graduated the medicine. We know she got married but not beyond that. By the end of the year she was off the horizon.

Sleš and the missus divorced around summer or thereabouts. She went to her mom, the apartment was his (he had lots of years of staž already, he was a lab technician in zzzzz all his life). He remarried soon, they have a son. I kept hearing his voice on the local radio for many years thereafter.

Mentions: 25. maj, doček, Đenđi Ujlaki, Mika Zelenić (Sleš), staž, Zmaj, zzzzz, in serbian