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The elevator at the PMF was a rare privilege, used by only the educational staff - they had the keys. The cleaning ladies or, for that matter, anyone else, didn't. Except that I got a hint, probably from V., that it's a standard Končar elevator and you can buy the key in the department store. Bought and, look, it worked. Didn't use it too much, just when I was in special mood or in a hurry.

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One evening, near the end of the month, Vanji came by and we had a bottle of vinjak and we just hit it. There were still a few of the short domestic ones, so... I simply have to have this picture here, seeing how he turned into an industrial strength unit of measure for antismoking. This evening he had no qualms about puffing a little.

Not that I remember much of that evening, just that later Slave and he didn't have much respect for each other. Not that they got into any kind of dispute over anything that mattered, it was about their general views on life.


* 101 reads as „sto jedan“, Stojadin is a male name (translates roughly as Constantine), ergo it's a Zastava 101.

Mentions: Radovan Tomić (Slave), Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), vinjak, in serbian