
We have a chandelier. What lights we had before wasn't bad, it had four swiveling units, so we could direct the light any way we wanted, but the bulb housing was metal, and of course the smoke would condense on it and it already looked ugly. So we decided to replace it.

Johan climbs the mosquito netting on the terrace all the way up. Knows how to come down, too.

We took down the kitchen cabinets. Left the sink for now, we need it. The old knitting machine bench, the Osijek made one from 1972, served as a handy shelf again, until the new furniture arrives. We didn't dump the old cabinets - two hanging pieces and the standing one are now in Johan's room, connecting the kitchen to the garage. Other two hanging ones went into the basement, for tools and whatnot. The corner unit and the board with the drawer we did throw out. We kept the light, as it was. The neon bar in it is bare, when we replaced it last time (1997?) we couldn't put the transparent cover back.

Among tools I see I have a long level and Unior pliers. Experienced.

On third, johana posed sitting in the last of the ceramic vessels that we got from kum at our wedding. Finally someone uses it for something.

Lots of work on the australian version of agency code, equivalent to that in CAAR and SHET. Special routine to write a field, because it also needs to set the indicator for which field was written and skip the locked fields. Took me until tenth to finish that.

Fifth, went downtown to cash nine more traveller's cheques. One dollar is 78 dinars. Plugged in the scanner and scanned the receipts. With banksters one always needs to have a spare copy of everything. They walked to oma, made a bunch of shots along the way.

At some point we wanted to get into the optics shop near the end of the main street, probably to make new glasses, specially me, as I was still on some cheap 3,50$ pair from Keymart. From the door I spotted Brlja from behind, along with some seven other people. Turned back and said „some other time, there's a crowd inside“. At the same moment, she spotted him too and said „really, crowd is there“. It did not turn into an item in the house dictionary, but rather into a codename for the guy, as in „Brlja... the Crowd“.

On sixth, a good downpour, with some west wind. Only now we see what a shitty job they did with that tin roof - nothing stops the rain dripping down the upper part of the wall and the gable from freely oozing all the way down to the terrace. That's Toza from the vineyard and his son and the neigbor's (fat cook's) son who took 5000$ for this shit. The trim isn't snug to the wall, because the façade is made of bavalit, which is rough, has a relief. They could have squirted a couple of tubes of silicone, for that money.

Mentions: CAAR, Goran Staković (Brlja), Johana, kum, oma, SHET, in serbian