
Burt came again. He did write, previously, how his brother has a farm, sheep and goats, and how he visited him recently and then had fridge full of lamb for days. Or sheep... I can't possibly understand what's what in there, english has the meat names from french and the animals from folks, it's all disconnected and disorderly.

He appeared carrying a small hand fridge, no bigger than 2l. Said he brought us some of that, to try out, it's all hundred percent organic. Just for fun I asked „and these organs would be...“. There he listed kidneys, liver, lungs... And not a gram of meat. We dumped all of it later.

We had lunch and then drove off in the Poozhoe (as we wouldn't possibly all fit into his Alpha, specially without the roof), and went up the Blue ridge, which is the nearest of the Appalachies. There's some ski resort nearby, and what road there is, they call a parkway, where you drive slowly and enjoy the view. He brought a shooter and made a dozen shots. He brought the pictures next time, and judging by the filenames, they were scanned by Larry, who tried to be funny.

I see we already had the fat couch from Rick, Go had fuzzy, rabbit shaped slippers, (... 39 words...). And I'm wearing sneakers, just had to expand my shoeware collection to more than just those shoes from 1990.

Mentions: Gorana Sredljević (Go), Larry Artois, Poozhoe, Reginald Burton Cape (Burt), Rick Netter, in serbian