Rick Netter

(Person, USA)

Sat along with me in Zero, did pretty much the same work, was often almost as good as I (though he'd usually ask me rather than pressing F1), and made 80K$ when I was making 53, but that's the policy there, I was an H-1B and he was a native.

He left abruptly when his dad invited him to take an internal course in their family business (additives for concrete, masonry detergents), so that he'd be able to take over as CEO at some point.

Mentions: 26-IX-1999., 27-IX-1999., 24-X-1999., 28-X-1999., 25-XII-1999., 10-I-2000., 14-II-2000., 17-II-2000., 29-II-2000., 06-III-2000., 31-III-2000., 15-IV-2000., 15-V-2000., 26-V-2000., 23-VI-2000., 11-VII-2000., 27-XII-2000., 10-I-2001., 17-V-2001., 12-VII-2001., 28-VII-2001., 15-VIII-2001., 21-VIII-2001., 03-XII-2001., 21-VIII-2002., 27-VIII-2002., 01-X-2002., 25-I-2003., 04-III-2003., 20-VI-2003., Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian
