Todor Čkrebović

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Programmer in the bank. Lived with mother and sister, nice people.

Spoke softly, with an ability to get you interested in what he says. And he was persistent - as a colleague said, "he comes with an idea, you kick him out the door a few times, he comes back through the window and continues from where he was stopped".

As a memento, I kept this as a tagline on UA for a while:

There are two kinds of lazy programmers: the first kind is too lazy to automate anything, so they'd rather type the same 200 char command sequence over and over; the second kind reacts whenever they have to do anything more than three times - they automate the task, even if it takes three days to do and gets used only once.

Too bad he died so young.

Mentions: 08-V-1987., 17-XII-1990., 16-VIII-1994., 31-X-1994., 14-XI-1994., UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian