
The majstors finished the upstairs. In the evening, we and I mill around the anteroom, eyeballing the layout of the staircase we plan to make, taking measurements... and suddenly stop in our tracks. The feeling that someone's watching you. Fuckit... we look around, nobody to be seen or be anything elsed.

On a hunch I look up, and there's Johana. It's a cat, you won't hear her, but the sense of looking at you is unfuckable. She never tried to get into the house, except in the yellow minute when she's looking for a place to bear kittens. This time she entered because she couldn't resist the temptation of an open roof window. We left them open so the mortar would dry.

In this scene everything is as on this picture, except it's dark up there, light below.

In other news, Burt tells that his father died. Radiated, surgered, no avail, end is the same.

Nina sent a shot of a carrot from her garden, 6cm in diameter. All kudos.

Tried to install a firewall after so many years. What I once had, AtGuard, and what worked perfectly and to my expectations, won't work nowadays, because it was bought by Symantec, who have the equally perfect Midas syndrome: whatever they touch becomes shit. The free version is still out there, it's just that nobody bothered to rebuild it for 64-bit windowses. AtGuard is now called ZoneAlarm and lost most of its teeth, like pretty much everything they bought did. So I tried a few others, mostly the free trial versions, fully ready to fork out a few dozen euros for the pleasure, if any.

But no, there's no more real firewall for windowses. They all ignore telemetry, consider it part of the system. So anytime I install anything from a .msi file, m$ knows it. Even if it's a file I made on my own, doesn't mater. Which is exactly why upFeds doesn't use .msi, it builds its updates using Inno setup builder.

The last firewall I tried was Comodo, and it suffered the same disease. It freely let anything on my box call m$ (not the Gugao either) without even moving an eyelash, while reporting bunch of stuff from others. Later I heard that there's an option to turn the catch-all on, and I've heard about it, but no, it just wouldn't be turned on. It was in some back corner of the setup, hard to find and eventually proving impossible to turn on. It did start reporting some things, but still completely ignored what the big guys were doing. So I uninstalled it, and the (un)installer led me to their website to allow me to say why. Well, not really. I had no say there either, it was not an editbox, it was a fucking combo.

Mentions: Gugao, Johana, Majkrosoft (m$), majstor, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Reginald Burton Cape (Burt), upFeds, in serbian

26-V-2023 - 30-VI-2024