
(Place, tavern, firm, USA)

The company with the fastest development curve. Took them less than ten years to move from „do no evil“ and reducing the advertising clutter to modest four short lines of plain text - to a full blown „all your data are belong to us“, outright stealing data from everywhere, tracking and telemetry.

In serbian, it should be written gugl, genitive gugla. The genitive of ugao (angle) is, however, ugla, from which I have retconned that the nominative should be gugao, which got accepted by Škrba and a few others. In english I try to achieve the same effect by using an article. Wherever in the text you find the google mentioned, that's why.

The fact that gugolj was a donation from them doesn't mitigate all the ugly stuff it did. And at that, it still has the big advertising sticker over its lid, and advertising IS evil. And that machine was the lowest end Lenovo that existed at the time, plus it came with a 32 bit W7 - just about the last 32 bit thing we had in the house.

Mentions: Notes on grammar, spelling and other witchcraft, april 1962., 12-IX-1971., 18-III-1975., 18-VIII-2000., 20-VI-2003., 05-II-2004., 13-VIII-2004., 17-II-2005., 23-VIII-2005., 25-X-2005., 09-I-2006., 22-VI-2006., 10-XI-2006., 10-IX-2008., 30-XII-2008., 05-IV-2010., 11-VI-2010., 21-XII-2011., 21-VII-2013., 12-X-2013., 03-XII-2013., 22-V-2014., 06-X-2014., 13-X-2014., Blackmailed by the google, 01-VII-2015., 22-IX-2015., 21-XII-2015., 15-I-2016., 24-IX-2016., 03-X-2016., 19-I-2018., 19-IX-2018., 16-III-2020., 11-IX-2021., The annual party, 23-X-2021., 04-XI-2021., 14-I-2022., 11-V-2022., 10-VI-2022., 30-VIII-2022., 30-IX-2023., 04-I-2024., cimet, ClockWorker, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), gugolj, novogradnja, rasejani, in serbian

2-IV-2023 - 11-IX-2023