
Date approximate, happens few days before my folks leave for Borik.

My folks decided to try to pitch the new tent once in advance and at ease, to learn the ropes and not do it quickly and roughly when they get there, specially if it be late in the day with everyone tired.

The tent being largish, couldn't do that in the yard, and also not on the lawn by the well behind the corner, as it's often littered with random junk, so we took it to the other leg of this sidestreet, behind Sofija's house. Actually, hers is not the last one, there's one more, where V. lived, a good friend of mom's; her daughter got married to Čarga later. From their house to the small industrial zone there's a bit of wasteland, mostly a landfill, where they laid the slag from the powerplant (and are now preparing to build the winter pool next to the summer one). There's a lot of various garbage there, but at least the nearest 40m is just plain tall grass, so we laid a thick foil first, then put together the poles, hung the cabin on them, stretched the outer tent over them, straightened everything and then did the whole thing in reverse and packed it all. Not in the same layout of packaging, mind you. After so many years of travel, we have honed the skill of fitting things into each other so they take up less space.

I wouldn't quite remember all of this, had I not mixed up her dresses. I had said (now in march of 2023) that she wore the armor she sew of romanian denim, but she said the romanians still didn't have any denim, and that she did wear it until 01-V-1979.. This dress is just of that color, but that's the indian cloth (baize?). And really, when she refreshes my memory like that, it all fits together much better.

So, it was a success. All okay and good to go.

Mentions: 12-IV-1979., 01-V-1979., Borik, Sofija Letin, Velemir Prokin (Čarga), in serbian