Sofija Letin

(Person, Yugoslavia)

The nice girl from our neighborhood. She studied English when my parents decided to get me lessons, so I was the natural choice for a test student, on which she'd practice her pedagogy skills. I was 10 at the time, and after seven months of this I spoke at some conversational level. She got a job somewhere in Serbia proper so we stopped.

Five years later, we repeated this. Her brother, who was a translator in one of the ports on the coast, sat in for her at times.

By that time she taught in the 1st gimnazija. Got married to a "colleague", who was teaching the pre-military training, or whatever the subject was called in those years. We sort of liked him, because he was a man of the people, but then he was a hollow and shallow guy too. They divorced, she kept the kids, he went off, probably drank, and didn't live long.

She's now a regular at our maturski - saw her at 40 and 45 years, we'll see about later.

Mentions: september 1966., 25-VI-1969., november 1970., until 18th, 04-VII-1973., Hat club rides again, 22-V-1974., Prom night, 28-VI-1979., june 1989., 01-XII-2000., 09-IX-2001., gimnazija, maturski parastos, Smetovački, USquad, in serbian