
Three way skype with Go and Nina - the latter now from the new house. They've moved in. The two corner desks fit snugly along the farther wall in the work room. Her chair is a big inflated rubber ball.

Just three days ago they painted the dining room with kitchen into the same warm yellow as we had, the room for Eleese into a nice shade of purple.

At work, there was some time sensitive snafu, as around 10:30 I talked with Laura and Jan about a new build, where we need to have a fix for something in Australia, and with her being in Saskatoon we may just fit some time for testing and installation. And it came through swimmingly, the Feds was ready by 17:53. At 19:03 she said she got to get out for someting. At 19:37 I said „we got about 3 h left until brisbane morning“. She did find a couple of things wrong in their agency export, even if discount for their agency having a different definition of what counts as FET, so around 23:24 I had ready. She checked a bit, and the lady from Brisbane didn't respond immediately, well, „it's 8:25 over there now, right?“, which it was. Well, I was done by midnight. Actually finished talking with Brisbane two minutes before.

I actually did a lot of work on the australian agency code last few days, as they had a revision of the rules. I started using a cursoradapter instead of the old „kludged deparametrized view just won't load“, whatever that meant.

Speaking of versions, we had a big client in Ireland already on and these guys were stuck with 5.2.33. I guess it was a matter of payment; depending on the maintenance contract a clinic would be getting the major updates sooner or later. Sooner if they paid better.

Here's an ugly excerpt from the code... just to show how Jan's code was full of magic numbers...

SUM(IIF( Pgo_neodeath =.T. ,1 , 0 )) AS Neodeath FROM t_pregnant P 
INNER JOIN t_pregoutc ON pgn_outc_id = pgo_outc_id AND (pgo_pregnancy =.T. OR pgo_ongoing =.T.)
FROM t_prognotes
INNER JOIN t_progdets ON prn_enc_id = prd_enc_id
INNER JOIN s_medsubtopics ON prd_mdsfk = mds_pk
WHERE INLIST(mds_reportcode,2001,2002, 2003, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216) AND prn_status = 0
AND prn_enc_date > p.pgn_outcdate AND prd_acu_id = P.pgn_acu_id)
GROUP BY pgn_acu_id, pgn_cycleno
SELECT prd_acu_id,
'MR' as source,
CAST(0 as int) as fetusses,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2002 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as pgn_Gestation,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2212 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as Deliveries,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2215 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as Preterm,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2216 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as Term,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2003 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int))
+ MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2213 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int))
+ MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2214 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as ab,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2003 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as sab,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2213 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as Tab,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2214 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as Ect,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2001 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as Live,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2009 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as still,
MAX(CAST(IIF(mds_reportcode = 2210 , prd_numvalue , 0 ) as int)) as neodeath
FROM t_progdets D
INNER JOIN s_medsubtopics ON prd_mdsfk = mds_pk
AND INLIST(mds_reportcode, 2001,2002, 2003, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2009,2010)
INNER JOIN t_prognotes P ON prd_enc_id = prn_enc_id AND prn_status = 0
INNER JOIN t_progdets ON prd_enc_id = prn_enc_Id
INNER JOIN s_medsubtopics ON mds_pk = prd_mdsfk
WHERE prn_enc_date > P.prn_enc_date AND prd_acu_id = P.prn_acu_id
AND INLIST(mds_reportcode, 2001,2002, 2003, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2009,2010) AND prn_status = 0)

Twentyseventh. Mića replaced all the fuses and put the automatic ones. Death to wire threads. That is, that's the text on the next date here, but today's date is on the materials invoice. Must have had more work to do in Johan's room, because it turned out that the cable from the power meter to that room was strong enough to run either the heating or the water heater but not both. For that we'd need a much thicker cable, which we wouldn't be allowed to have anyway, because our house installation was registered for this level of current and not above it. Alright then, we don't actually need the heating in the moment of shower, so... could we have some kind of automatic switch, which would cut the power to the heating as soon as the water heater is turned on, and restore it when it's turned off? Hmmm... And I could see the relays in his head flipping rapidly, the electronic engineer colleague got an interesting problem to solve. And he came, few days later, with exactly the relay switch which did what it needed to.

Mentions: Eleese Aquila (Eleese), Feds, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Laura O'Hare, Mića the electrician, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian