
The chicken coop's cabin its getting closed on the topside. We also made a frame for the front door.

Then we went on cutting the fosna (5cm plank, aka 2") into 40x50mm slats, for the roof. Took the circular saw outside, spread one of the long cables, and went on with it. We almost cut enough of it when we noticed that the saw was having trouble. The planks weren't dry, which increased the friction. The blade got really hot, and we saw the vapour coming out of it - it was drying the wood on the spot.

Or so we thought. Then we understood it wasn't the vapor, it was the magic smoke from the motor. It just lost it. As with all electric hardware, it works on magic smoke. Proof: when the magic smokes out, it stops working. So the circular saw was kaputt.

Okay, we have the big planer aka abrihter, which has a circular saw in its other half. I moved the motor and attached the belt to its other pulley, and we were in business. Sort of. The circular saws have a one inch hole, one inch american. The axle on it, however, has a diameter of 25mm... so, 0,4mm smaller than it should be. Which would not be much of a problem if this thing wasn't rotating at about 2000rpm, when even 0,1mm would be too much of a disbalance. Solved the problem by going to the neighbor, who has a full industrial lathe, and he cut me an adapter ring. Then we were in business and finished cutting.

By then we have spent too much time on this, and the hens didn't really need a roof - the cabin has one - so we decided the matter wasn't urgent and left it to finish it later. I also had to drop by dad's to bring him lunch - even though the trip is less than three minutes (the song in the current player in the saxo restarts when I turn the key, so it sometimes happens that I hear the same song four times), it's customary that I sit with him for a while, at least until he lays it on the table and starts eating. The fruit in the barrels he has seems to be fermenting nicely, he'll be making brandy.

In the afternoon we even managed to swing by Čankovo, just to check on things. When we returned, we put the hens into the coop. Cabin only for now - the existing cage was getting too small.

On the west front, Ender was over whatever he was sick from, but now Nina caught it and puked, got the runs too. Their chicken coop is also ready. They'll see about getting the chicken soon. The local regulations forbid having domesticated animals in the farming sense, but can do as pets. The limitation on hens is four or six, more than that is not considered pets.

On thirtieth the new special sewing machine arrived, don't know what's its capabilities but I remember we had one like that back there. I guess it does something special, the so called cover stitch.

Mentions: Čankovo, Ender Aquila (Ender), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), saxo, in serbian