
Ricardo and Go live at his mother's. This was the one visit to them, also in Alexandria, south of DC, within beltway. They both keep moving around the same neighborhood. We saw her briefly, just shook hands and said hellos, and then she had to go somewhere on business - whatever she was doing, perhaps real estate.

It's a townhouse, and the couple had enough room, it could fit a larger family. His middle brother was married already and living somewhere with his family, and the younger one was at school. We sat with them for an hour or two, mostly around the computer. Didn't really pay much attention, were they showing some videos or playing games.

Then we went to Reynolds, a typical low key local restaurant, where he worked at some point, the staff there still know him. Just sat around the table and had fun and lunch. Smoking was allowed but we agreed to not smoke at the table (because of him?), so I see myself on one of the shots standing a step away, half behind the wall (we were in a corner but the wall was just a short partition).

The restaurants here often have these big screens to display sports, as these seem to attract crowds who like to watch them together. Must be a guy thing here - perhaps at home too, I wouldn't know, I was never into sports, specially not the ticketed ones.

And there's my tozna, bottom left.

Go has switched from the community college of A-burg to NOVA in DC, attending mostly the general stuff that'll count against the real college, whenever she gets to enroll into one. Had a strange run-in with her exam in english, got a B because the professor suspected her of cheating. Why? Well, „there's no way a junior, fresh from high school, can have such a vocabulary“. Eh, lady, you don't know what a gimnazija is. We even had latin class. Go didn't complain, she's not the fighting type, at least picks her fights.

Mentions: Annenburg (A-burg), gimnazija, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), tozna, in serbian