Gargamel (Ostojin)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A local merchant, the proper neoSerbian capitalist, whom employees couldn't stand. Gargamel was a well deserved nickname. I know him as a customer of DBA, where Grgi and I visited a tad too often.

He had an employee quit only after formatting all the floppies with all the backups, then becoming a cop... who knows too much. Perfect revenge.

Ćola and Bjanka were both his workers, and they kind of simultaneously ran away and switched to ms.

Mentions: november 1991., june 1992., september 1992., Atila Gereg (Grgi), Bjanka, Ćola, DBA, Marina Čikezin, ms Rašetić, in serbian

18-V-2012 - 19-V-2021