Grgi (Atila Gereg)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

First met him during some of the early meetings when DBA was to be founded, in the offices of the SSOJ (who were co-founders). Next time I saw him when the whole gang was employed.

The next five years we were road buddies most of the time, often visiting the same customers. We logged maybe a hundred thousand kilometers together, plus one minor crash.

Mentions: 10-IV-1989., 01-V-1989., 15-V-1989., 18-V-1989., 22-VI-1989., 04-X-1989., 16-X-1989., november 1989., february 1991., Hatching corollas, march 1991., The big import, 14-IV-1991., june 1991., january 1992., 08-III-1992., april 1992., 02-VI-1992., Office dictionary, 04-VIII-1992., december 1992., 08-VIII-1993., 01-X-1993., 17-XI-1993., 25-XII-1993., 02-II-1994., 08-IV-1994., 15-IV-1994., 14-XI-1994., 28-II-1996., 03-XII-1999., 03-XII-2001., 05-VIII-2005., 20-X-2007., 25-X-2014., 31-I-2020., 19-VIII-2020., Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), blockout, DBA, Marina Čikezin, Ostojin (Gargamel), petefi, sezam, slovima, SSOJ, upitig2.prg, Višnja Dubajić, in serbian