
More news from home - Ivka hooked up a cancer, underwent surgery, Tejka reports that the worst is over and she is recovering. Her husband is not so much of an optimist, says this is serious, it's on the brain.

Go went for a driving test these days, but didn't pass on first try. Never mind, now she knows how it looks.

We went also to the Glotz, bought white plastic chairs, to sit on the terrace and not carry the desk chairs each time back and forth (why back first? makes no sense. in serbian that's „there here“).

Both she and Ricardo got raises, but the amounts were nothing to brag about, more of a moral support.

With someone on UA about colors, specially white:

I guess Americans think white can be a bit boring, so things are more like ivory or eggshell. White tile would probably be thought of more like a hospital or something (sorry).

That's what my grandmother had in her mind, and every two bit wall painter back home. I had to wait to have my own space to paint it the way I wanted - thanks to the acrylic colors, it was technically possible.

Last time I dealt with these painters I told them I'd want the doors white, and they said OK and then went on pouring a spoonful of black, no less, into the can. "To tone it down". "I said white". "This is white". "It was, until you poured black". "We must, to tone it down a bit". "Why?" "Can't leave it like that". And so on until I lost my patience. Anyway, I wasn't paying them, my parents were, and they weren't around at the moment, and I didn't really know what would they want.

That was the last. After that, I learned to hold the brush myself.

You know, very sterile and antiseptic. Though if you're going to mix a colored tile with a white tile, then bright white (true white) might be what you want.

White tile with a few ornamental tiles scattered here and there, plus dark green floor and dark blue (but really very dark) for the walls. Still light enough, as there's tiles to the ceiling around the tub, and both doors are stark white.

Mentions: Gorana Sredljević (Go), Ivanka Tomašić /Čardić/ (Ivka), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian